
Friday, January 18, 2008

LOC Copyright-free Photo Images

What a great resource! Just saw this linked on another list -- the Library of Congress's Flickr albums. Here's Maggie Jones of Cleveland! (Well Sarah found her actually, while I was groovin' on old barns and boxers...). She's from a folder of news images from around 1910. Click the photo to go to Flickr, or click this link to see the main LOC Flickr page:


  1. This is so great, I once had a flickr account to share images I've collected (copyright free) with others but it never caught on... I'm def. luvin the image you posted here. How fun, Monica :)

  2. Hey Monica, if you get back this way -- do you still have the Flickr acct? Today thanks probably to Flickr's clever contextual linking I saw a very cool Flickr group featuring 100 year old photographs.

    But yeah, the LOC Flickr site is way vast! I haven't made it through the thumbnails ::sigh::


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