
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Cirque de Soleil

Oh! oH! (It must be two-fer Sunday in Aunt Mollyland.) I totally forgot to post about going to Cirque de Soleil last weekend (part of our Mary T. Birthday Month Festivities...). I purchased tickets way back in January since, yes, I've been 50 years on the planet (not counting the first nine months eavesdropping), and now I get to do WHATEVER I WANT. Pretty much? Ok, I get to pretend I get to do whatever I want, and this week it's been a pretty convincing fantasy!

Me Dada and Junior had planned on a really nice dinner, but it was pretty obvious by 5:00 p.m. that wasn't going to happen, so instead we just pulled into Denny's in Bernalillo for a quick bite. We didn't realize, Junior had never been initiated into our B.C. (Before Children) tradition of having breakfast at Denny's for dinner. So that was fun, and when the waitresses found out it was my birthday (ok I fudged the date a little...) and the big 5-oh to boot, they went back in the kitchen and fixed the most amazing complementary dessert nachos, with sweet "chips," strawberries, and chocolate syrup. We took it with us and had it for dessert after the show.

Then we began the long drive to the Santa Ana Star Center -- not the casino five minutes away, people. Don't be fooled by the map, there are stops and turns and what look like normal roads, but this place is out in the total boonies. Finally we saw the center, and I felt like we were migrating to the mother ship. The only thing out there is the huge conference center and, of all things the Rio Rancho City Hall (er, what city? they must be planning for some humongous and no doubt frightfully water-sucking growth out there. but I digress...)

We get to our seats just as the show started, and I couldn't believe I was really there! I've watched Cirque de Soleil on TV religiously and kept telling la familia how lucky we are we didn't have to book a flight to Vegas. Junior was enraptured and about halfway through the pole-climbing, rope swinging, bicycle stunting sets I realized (with a mother's certainty) that he's going to go home and try this stuff (He does kung fu ala Jackie Chan -- just this morning he showed me a cell phone video of him running up to a wall, climbing it, and flipping over backwards).

The characters and costuming reminded me of wonderful, neon Akira Blount dolls! I love her work! These certain characters would walk out between sets with belts around their waists, and out of the backs of the belts came these long lamps that curved over their heads, with the lamp bulbs hanging down in front to light the way. The makeup, the semi-steampunk atmosphere, the GREAT band, it was all worth it. And 15 bucks cheaper than Vegas!

I found this great video on the Cirque de Soleil website that shows exciting clips from all their shows -- looks to me like the show we saw, Saltimbanco, is shown toward the beginning:

Cirque de Soleil: Then and Now
(go to this page, then click Watch a clip)
(images from Wikipedia)

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