
Monday, October 6, 2008

Richard Biffle Loves Crows

Here's the story. Not long ago, a mother ordered a custom pair of my crow feather earrings for her daughter. I must not have read the email very thoroughly because for some reason I thought she was a fan of Richard Biffle rather than his partner. Well, she wanted them to arrive by a certain date, so I dropped them in the mail with just enough time. She said something about her daughter wanting him to see them on her because he has a special affinity with crows.

Well I never heard back so I was worried sick that they hadn't arrived in time. This weekend I had the. . . ok, the stomach flu (YUCK that is so disgustingly TMI) and didn't check my email all day. Tonight I opened up the most lovely note from the daughter that I almost cried. It was one of those blessings-on-a-deeper-level type of notes, and yes the earrings had arrived in time for a very special occasion for the two lovers.

So I thought I'd share some of Richard's art. Maybe everyone but me has heard of him, what can I say? LOL, I'm getting to be a bit of an old fart and I don't listen to as much new music as I used to, or rather, when I do it's usually on Sirius radio or via an iPod so I don't necessarily see the cover designs.

I really like his work -- a lot. I can see his unique illustration style in there but I also like that he seems to have been inspired by some of my favorite graphic design, such as old crate labels, European posters from the art nouveau period, and of course the rock and roll posters of the 1960s and 1970s.

Do check out his work. I find his color schemes inspiring too. They really pop!


  1. Hi, I make porcelain pendants and beads and am a lover of crows. I have a SW necklace by a native american carver with a big crow with brass eye which I keep in my studio, a crow feather rattle made by folks up here in WA, a crow gourd which I found in Santa Fe.. all very precious to me; my original crow friends came on my 50th birthday- all had one white wing and they stayed for almost a year.

    I would love to have a version of your crow earrings if they are ever available.I follow your blog everyday. Joan Tucker
    Off Center Productions

  2. Joan wrote: "my original crow friends came on my 50th birthday- all had one white wing and they stayed for almost a year."

    This is so beautiful, and so crow-like! We lived in a tiny house once set back from the road, with a long narrow yard in front. Our neighbors had pecan trees, which I love. The crows would pick the nuts and drop them in our yard from atop the cottonwoods out by the street. I would collect them (trading other nuts I didn't like so well) and bake with them. I love crows!

    P.S. I cannot seem to locate your email addy -- I have a pair of crow feather earrings ready to list on Etsy. If you will contact me I will gladly reserve them for you. 8-)


Thanks for your comment! It will be reviewed and posted ASAP.