
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mai's Necklace with Sequins

I'm always saying you can use sequins as spacers in necklaces and bracelets, but I never actually do it. Sarah has done it, but I couldn't find any examples on her blog (hint, hint). And I'm always wondering what people do with the stuff, er, I mean, delightful finds they purchase from my supply shop. Well, here we go. Mai makes the second Etsy artisan this week who has shared with me her unique vision for my vintage this's and that's.

Here she used some vintage turquoise sequins with red beads in a unique, asymmetrical necklace design. Sequins make great spacers because, well, you can use as many or as few as you like. Mai created different lengths of turquoise "tubes." Obviously, this is a different effect than what you can achieve with beads. Cool!

By the way, Mai's Etsy shop is called HanaPurse.


  1. Hello Mary. Thank you for showing my necklace. Your sequins inspired me to make a special design. I am glad that you liked it.

  2. That is a great necklace - I love asymmetrical stuff!

  3. Cool necklace, Mary! I love the look of strung sequins, and per yr. hint, posted one on my blog. The asymmetrical look is so cool...not something my capricorn mind can come up with....


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