
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Yummy Nailheads Necklace by OverTheTop

Jan Finnell (OverTheTop on Etsy) used some of my vintage red nailhead beads in the most awesomely unique steampunk style necklace for Valentine's Day.

I am so accustomed to stitching these down in bead embroidery projects, I never could have dreamed of using nailheads in links, like Jan has. Wowee, I guess the sky is the limit with a little imagination!
steampunk jewelry

Don't you love the way she wired the nailhead to the center of this pendant? Thanks for sharing this Jan, and here's to seeing it disappear quickly from your shop!



  1. That is an awesome idea. I bought some nailheads with rhinestones when in NYC last Spring & I think that picture has triggered an idea. Thanks Mary.

  2. Thanks, Mary - how sweet of you to feature it on your lovely blog. The beads are awesome; I've used the colors I already have in bracelets, etc. I'll probably be buying more from you soon! :) Jan

  3. How clever! I'd nefver have thought to use them that ways...and I love the oxidized finish!


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