
Saturday, May 16, 2009

I am, apparently, an artist!

I've been selling jewelry for- what seems like -ever, but I generally haven't promoted my mixed media art stuffs, unless it was more or less about stitching or beading. Until recently that is, when I put three mixed media collage painted things (on canvas, so let's call them paintings for short) in the shop at OFFCenter. That was about two or three weeks ago, and by golly, all three of them have sold!

I'm so excited I can hardly stand myself. And I want to thank Leighanna Light and Jesse Reno for lighting that fire. Woohoo!


  1. HURRAH!!!!!!! ARE an artist. When I first saw you winning piece at the Dairy Barn many years ago, I knew what I was looking at. A creative piece of ART!

  2. Mary,
    Many of us have known you are an artist for some time now. It just took you a little longer to recognize it. LOL.

  3. Congrats, Mary - nice affirmation to have your stuff sell (and quickly, too!). Will you post some pics at some point? Would love to see what you're doing :)


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