
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mini House Parade

Every year OFFCenter has a huge arts & crafts fair in Robinson Park, and they kick off the fair with a We Art the People folk artsy parade. Over the years, the costumes have gotten outrageous and wonderful, huge papier mache heads, and of course the kids dress up too in all their funky finery. So that's what this little tableau is about.
This month, Ron Breen made dozens and dozens of little wooden houses for everyone to decorate for OFFCenter's other major fundraiser -- the Albuquirky House Tour. I saw some photos of one of the houses on the tour, and sure enough there were lots of little houses for sale there, set out on the entrance table.

Well I had already made a couple of houses for the fundraiser but this one took a little longer. I worked on it over the weekend and now just have one eensy weensy thing left to add (a sign that says "Parade Today"). I'll still bring it in to the shop as a donation once that little finishing touch is added.

This was pretty much a collaboration between me and my thrift-store, estate sale hoppin' husband (aka the MOTH -- man of the house). He is fascinated by little bitty toy cars and little bitty toy figures that come inside kid's toys and end up in the bottom of yard sale boxes and Goodwill bins. So I have a big bag of them. We went through and picked out some choice Folk Artsy looking figures.

The little kids move, by the way. You can pose them. It's so funny! I love the red chilies strung on the sides of the building.

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