
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Birthdays and Beads

I thought I was on the 5- to 7-day blogging plan, but obviously I missed even that mark this week. Ah well, it's the last couple of weeks of the semester, and I have taken a rare fancy to keeping the house clean, which leaves a bit less time (make that ZERO) for making jewelry or blogging much. Don't worry, I'm doing plenty of typing. Just not around here.

So considering the above, I had to seriously question my sanity for volunteering to work for Betcey and Mark at the Bead Renaissance show yesterday. I woke up Saturday morning tired and achy from the work week, with a sink fulla dishes and dog hairs on the bed spread. I asked the MOTH "Why am I doing this again?" and he said, "Because you love it." And he was right.

I was late for my first and last day of work, LOL! But fortunately they didn't fire me, and once I got out on the floor I remembered how much fun I have gabbing with people and finding beads that match their crystals, etc. In a perverse way I also enjoy scouting for the show's well known perennial would-be shoplifters, though I didn't see either of them this year, darn it. It's so much fun to talk their ears off until they just finally leave. Hehe.

Yes it was fun, and I do love it, and when Betcy is around we always hit a nice restaurant or two at dinnertime. We celebrated Nikia's birthday on Saturday with Italian food, off-color jokes, brought-in cheesecake (an annual tradition), gifts, and whatever Betcey was drinking.

So today I'll play catchup. And it was worth it. :-)


  1. Sounds like you had a good time at the show. The picture of Nikia is great. Isn't it odd how we need that little injection of bead related things to keep going?

  2. It was great fun! I look forward to what is becoming our annual get togethers. Let's try doing it more than once a year, eh? xox


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