
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Computer Room/Study Redo

Just before the holidays we rearranged this room, in preparation for having a bunch of people over. You don't wanna know what it looked like before. Those of you who saw, I know you were worried, LOL!!!

We painted the main wall turquoise, and the others a creamy vanilla. We moved the computer desk, with all my Etsy clutter, where you can't see it from the living room.  (Pretend you can't see those boxes in the corner -- someday soon they will become a storage/display of vintage jewelry boxes.) Those weird sparkles on the wall are from the MOTH's solar powered crystal prism...

My grandfather made the bird's eye maple lazy susan on the table, and the little bird pottery dish on top of that was made at Tesuque Pueblo in 1941. The huge Buddha thangka on the wall is beautifully embroidered -- the MOTH bought it for $8.00 (why I stay married) and we had it tucked away for a couple of years, intending to give it away as a gift or something since there was no place for it. Guess we'll be keeping it now. :-)  

Yesterday the MOTH rehung one of our printer's boxes and now I can put my favorite stamps back up on the wall. Honestly, I'd like to have a whole wall of these things!

The two tall black chests contain my beads. I got them on sale at Hobby Lobby a couple of years ago, intending to go in my studio (that dangerous land of avalanches and piles). Maybe someday they will, but right now the one above holds my grandmother's handpainted metal mail basket, a very old peacock-colored antique tin, a big honking quartz crystal, and this AMAZING pink bottle that doesn't go with anything else in the room.

The MOTH found it at Goodwill yesterday, bless 'im. I've never seen one like it! He has correctly anticipated my moving-into-pink phase. But THIS room is for the peacocks. For more color inspiration, I created this Etsy Treasury (click the picture to go there):

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