Saturday, December 31, 2011

Anthem for the New Year

Ring the bells that still can ring

Forget your perfect offering

There is a crack in everything

That's how the light gets in.
--Leonard Cohen, Anthem

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Posole is Almost Gone

Not to worry. It's turkey. It'll keep. :-)

In case you were wondering, I did not get eaten by pigs. They were wolves. They dragged me into their lair and made me show them my secret red chile sauce recipe. I'm back now, and wow, the house is fairly clean, considering...

Nikia's elk tamales made the Christmas Eve gathering, although Aunt Marian's cheese log (I cannot bring myself to say "balls") was a close second. The cookies are gone (thank you baby Jesus) and speaking of baby Jesus, Christmas Day was blissfully relaxed and there may have been prime rib on the table...yes, I think there was! Christmas Night -- wow, illahis for Shaykh Nur in the cozy warmth of the tekke.

The MOTH (man of the house) strung those vintage lights that have bubbling colored water in the tubes when heated up. The above photo is the box he found last year of those amazing large reflectors you slip over a little colored bulb on the tree.

God bless Amazon and your "Give Album OR Song as Gift" button, and God bless this little black rectangle in my hand where I can push a few buttons and hear my ma's voice anytime I want (provided she's not napping or out on the town).

Tonight? It's crock pot Italian meatballs and UFC141. There have been a half dozen teenage boyz' butts on my couch since Christmas Day and tonight there will most likely be a few more...
