Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hamsa Earrings in Interweave Store

I just found out that my design for beaded Hamsa earrings is now available in Interweave's online pattern store for $4.00. (Unlike many other publishers, Interweave pays a commission to authors, even though they weren't contractually obligated to, so I feel good about plugging their store here.)

Here's a link to the earring tutorial:

And here's a link to the main shop:

The Hamsa, or Hand of Fatima, is a protective symbol throughout the Middle East, and it's worn to protect against the evil eye. It can be hung with the fingers up or down (though this earring pattern obviously features the fingers down.) Here's a bit more about the symbol from Wikipedia. And here's a link to my favorite "what's that amulet?" site, The Lucky W Amulet Archive.
P.S. I have gold and silver pairs in my Etsy jewelry shop for those who'd rather purchase the finished earrings.

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